The quest series is as follows:

5 min adventure : The Carnival has blown into Town! 5 min adventure : Don’t let the Endless Cour ruin the Carnival 15 min adventure : Help Decorate the Carnival** You get the Minion Card: Pebbles as a reward ** 8 hour adventure : Negotiate safe passage for Skelf to visit the Carnival 15 min adventure : Invite friendly faeries to the Carnival 8 hour adventure : Best Noggol at the Racetrack!** You get the Minion Card: Noggol the Tainted as a reward ** 15 min adventure : Carnies are hungry, Send them Snacks! 5 min adventure : Give Artifacts to Carnival Goers as Prizes 8 hour adventure : Assassinate zombies at the Dead Man’s party 15 min adventure : Send your minions to negotiate with Pirex Flashfire for prizes. ** You get the Minion Card: Pirex Flashfire as a reward ** 8 hour adventure : Negotiate safe passage through Aelfwar territory 5 min adventure : Root out Abyssal Spies planning to ruin the Carnival 15 min adventure : Carnival merchants have come up short. Help them stay afloat 15 min adventure : Locate the Famous Skeleton, Kaerth and take his Bones. ** You get the Minion Card: Kaerth as a reward ** 15 min adventure : Wild Carnival mounts have unearthed artifacts! 8 hour adventure : Planar invaders are ruining the carnival! Kill them with fire 5 min adventure : Steal Sweets from Blackthorne Faeries 15 min adventure : Good Tidings! Caeweth the Druid has switched her allegiance!** You get the Minion Card: Caeweth as a reward **

Each adventure you send your minion on has the chance to award new minions, Auroral Dubloons, Glass Beads, Tickets, and even the new Twisted Carousel Ram Trove. The new minions are – in order of rarity:

Green Minions:

Pebbles: Earth, Dimension, and Artifact elements.

Noggol the Tainted: Water, Harvesting, and Assassination elements

Pirex Flashfire: Air, Fire, Dimension elements.

Rare Minions:

Kaerth: Death, Hunting, and Harvesting elements

Epic Minions:

Caewth: Life, Diplomacy, Harvesting, and Artifact elements.


Hope this helps and have fun!